Friday, June 06, 2014

Micky MacDowell #6

We opened the season at the Florida State Fair where both acts were presented.
Ben and Micky with "Toto", "Anna May" and "Mack".


Paul Gutheil said...

Whose big top is this? Looks like an old Hoxie/Great American.

Buckles said...

Eddie Zacchini produced the show, can't remember who provided the tent.

Anonymous said...

great looking act,

Chic Silber said...

Only the featured ladies get to

work on the featured tub

Yes Billie Lou I know & you know

There are worse afflictions


Chic, I guess I should tell you how I got separated from my W. tub. I was very upset at Buckles to say the least. First we were on Vargas doing the Anna May & Nirvana Slave Trader Act. Doing great. We had a new contract setting in the office. More money than ever. Buckles got upset at Cliff over nothing. ( I can't even remember now what it was about.) We were off the lot in 20 minutes. Cliff did his best to talk him out of it. Sent everyone to try to talk him out of leaving. well we took off across the country no work in sight. But we were okay financially. But walking off from that kind of money Cliff had offered made me sick. I said to myself I was going to leave Buckles when I got home. THEN things got worse. Buckles stopped on Dory Miller's lot, and Dory talked Buckles into doing him a favor. He had some baby elephants that needed training. So Buckles agreed to move every day with the show to train the babies.------BUT IT GETS WORSE... He did it for $350.00 a week..... AND WE MOVED EVERY DAY....NO LIGHTS OR WATER.....BUT THAT WAS NOT THE END OF IT.....HE THREW IN MY ACT FOR GRATIS. Well now when I get home......I AM going to get a divorce, FOR SURE....( I AM GETTING TO THE W. TUB, Chic.) Fate intervened. The fantastic Mexican family was on the show that were taking their family Circus back out when Dory M. closed....They came to us and ask us to come back to Mexico to work for them at our money that we got on Cliff's show. (american dollars.) That saved our marriage......But back to the tub..... IT RAINED and RAINED.....When we did the act the tub sunk down to the W. and later "Anna May" couldn't push it out or pull it out of the mud......So we had to leave it. Some one told us that they would dig it out, or what ever it would take. And get it to us some way. Some one got it to Mac & Peggy Mc Donald's place for us. We just never seemed to make it there to get it.....Barbara....


Well Chic I have written a book to tell you the story of how I got separated from the W. tub. Of course it seems like I can't tell a short story......Barbara.....

Larry Louree said...

Ms Barbara that was a great story and just the right length. Thanks for sharing it.

Chic Silber said...

Dear Barbara this epic just made

my day & made my "affliction" for

that 3rd "W" tub even "Worser"

Wasn't that Mexican hayride where

the adorable imp joined the show

Please don't tell her I said that

JC Hall said...

I believe The tent was Harold Barnes same one Gil Gray used at Dallas Texas Fair

JC Hall said...

I have a video of Ben & Mickey With ben making the Milk run around the track standing up on Anna May for the blow off of the act, also he worked the three act at Evansville An impressive showing to say the least,


Hey, Jimmy Hall would it be too much trouble to get a copy of that video from you. I had one good one. But I have lost it some place. There were no ropes or mechanics on them. I was so proud of them for doing my dream act......Barbara......


One of the punishments I did give to Buckles for having us on the show moving every day ( with no lights or water or money) was to fill all my Buckets & tubs of water. And I went out and bought more buckets & tubs. And they had to be filled even if I didn't NEED all that water....Barbara.....

JC Hall said...

Hey Barbara
Yes I will get you a copy, Tepa said she knows were it is if so will try to get it to DVD for you Or just VHS,