Sunday, June 15, 2014

From Tony Greiner

The recent photos of Lisa on Kelly-Miller reminded me that she was featured as the "Baby Elephant" on Circus Kirk, a student circus owned and managed by Charles Boas (aka 'Doc') in the 1970s. As I recall the story, Larry Cimino was entrusted in getting some sort of sponsor for the 1975 season, and he came in with a good one: Planter's Peanuts. Doc was pleased no end, until Larry said "We agreed to a peanut pitch, and an appearance of Mr. Peanut in conjunction with our baby elephant." Leading Doc to say "What baby elephant" as the circus had been a dog, pony, and llama operation up to that point. But a deal was made with D.R. Miller, and Lisa toured with the show for five years, walking a plank and various other tricks. She also was fed a lot of 25 cent ice-cream cones filled with seed in the "Baby Elephant" stand on the midway. I think Okie Carr trained her, but I'm not sure of that. Perhaps it was you?

Anyway, here she is with Bernie Collins, who has stayed in the business and has had a clown show in Europe for several decades. Obviously, Lisa was quite young, and Bernie not much older.


Tony Greiner said...

I should have said Walter Logan, not Okie Carr. Brain freeze.