Friday, June 06, 2014

From Barbara

This act was a dream of mine. Doing Adagio on top of "Anna May." She was perfect for it. I had Shannon & Dalilah in "Micky's Dance School." Training them for this, not dreaming that "Ben" would be interested in it. "Ben" didn't have any dance. But he did have Ty- Kron- Do. He even taught it in Orlando, when we were at Circus World. Well Micky ask if she could come out and ride Anna May. For old time sake In exchange she would give my kids extra adagio training. Ben saw some of the lifts and he said I think I can do that. And the rest is history. The kids weren't interested in doing it up that high any way. And I hired the teacher. There were three girls in all. Micky, Debbie Chapman & Lynn Polk. I shouldn't say this because all the girls did a wonderful job.. But my personal favorite was Debbie. She had just enough dance that I could get my vision from her performance. And due to my bad back I didn't get enough time with Lynn. So Ben trained her more than I did. She put in two seasons with Ben & Anna May on The Vargas Show. And that was a very dangerous act working over the black top all most of the time.....Barbara.....


Chic Silber said...

Is this Debbie Chapman (perhaps

half sister to Stephanie)