Sunday, June 01, 2014

From Barbara #2



This was our first time to do the Ed Sullivan Show. So Buckles sent me to ask if Alan King had been on yet. As we went on soon after Alan K. As most of you know Buckles always stands the elephants up so they do not do not soil the ring or stage. So up I go to ask some one I thought might know. Here stands a man with a lot of people around him, so I thought he looked important, he might know. So I say to him, " Could you tell me if Alan King has been on yet?" He looked at me kind of funny, and the people around him looked a little strange. He started laughing thinking some one was pulling his leg. Then he said, " No Alan King hasn't been on yet. I am Alan King." Then I tried to explain that we follow him. I was so embarrassed. But he was very nice and tried to put me at ease. He said he didn't know who he was half the time. The end to the story was we went on a little early and "Anna May" soiled on the Ed Sullivan stage in living color. And it happened right as she did the hind leg stand in the leg carry, of course. A first on the Sullivan stage......Barbara......

Roger Smith said...

One account of the disastrous 1959 Clyde Beatty appearance involved the cats surprised by the slick floors, and props that slid underneath them. They cut loose, the writer said, and that section of stage was covered in big cat manure. Beatty got them situated enough to run them out, as Sullivan turned his cameras to the audience to introduce Walter Brennan. The actor stood in acknowledgement, but his terrified eyes kept cutting to Beatty's cage, where shouts and pistol shots amplified the angry animals' roaring. The kicker came when the next act was a ballet duo who had to use that same section. The poor kids slipped down in the urine and wet manure in less than balletic grace. Beatty muttered about "Next time, listen when I want to set up outside", and the reply to him was, "NEXT time?"