Monday, June 30, 2014

Cristiani Elephants #3


Chic Silber said...

Could that be Eddie Dullum

Mike Naughton said...

Yes, Chic, it's Eddie.

Chic Silber said...

That would be "Mother" to you

Thanks Mike as he & "Sea Cow"

Glen Hart were my very favorite

"Washerwomen" of all time

Roger Smith said...

Yes, and simply by the way he's standing, it's Eddie. He told me he was in Chicago once, hoping to avoid the boredom of a local circus fan. He was walking down the sidewalk when a car slowed alongside, loudly blowing its horn. Guess who? Eddie asked, "How did you find me?", and the fan replied, "I spotted you 4 blocks back. Nobody walks like Eddie Dullem."