Sunday, June 01, 2014

Chic Silber

 Although it was mentioned to be an RKO film
I found this title shot that only credits "Radio Pictures"

 Maybe Eric or Dave can explain it.


Unknown said...

According to Wikipedia, the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) owned the governing stock interest in RKO during its early years. The company's production and distribution arm was incorporated early in 1929 as Radio Pictures.

Chic Silber said...

Hi Eric

If you care to post your Eaddress

I'd send some stuff time to time

I found a nice 1 sheet for this

Harry Kingston said...

Have you ever noticed that Radio pictures used the RCA photo phone sound system which was variable area sound.
Most all other movie companies, Warner, Fox, MGM, Universal used Western electric system which is variable density system.
And besides the two people mentioned on here any good film fan knows all about RKO radio pictures and if not you can google and learn all about it as well as the two sound systems which was optical sound systems.
Harry in texas

Chic Silber said...

I didn't know that Harry & I'm no

film fan either but I am aware of

the rivalry between RCA & AT&T's

Bell Labs of Western Electric

back in the day of early audio

A shame all of them are history