Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Blacaman #20

. . . Blacaman looks down its throat . . .


Unknown said...

In his autobiography THE STRONG MAN, actor/stuntman Joe Bonomo explains why working with alligators is preferable to working with crocodiles: “The crocodile has a double-hinged jaw – that is – both the upper and the lower jaw can move, either together or independently. In addition, it is smaller, much faster and far more vicious than the cumbersome, more complacent alligator. [The alligator] lacks the double-hinged jaw. Only his lower jaw moves and that hinges down. If you can catch this lower jaw when it is open, you can HOLD it open, unless he twists away.”

Ole Whitey said...

I had heard that. I also heard that one of these (I forget which) did not have much strength to OPEN its jaws but great strength to close them, so that you could hold the jaws shut with ease. Anyone know about this?

Bob Cline said...

That is true for the alligator. That's why you see a light rope or duct tape around the mouth of a captive alligator being moved.

Mike Naughton said...

I had Tahar and the alligators on my Yankee Doodle Circus about 14 years ago. Being a small show the alligators were a big hit because the audience was close to the ring.
On our return to the same towns kids and adults would ask about the alligator.
We heard this for at least 5 years. In fact one of our sponsors asked about the alligators on our last tour.
It's fascinating what the public remembers years afterwards.