Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Ben Hur Chariot Race #23

Messala sees the wrecked chariots and recognizes the opportunity to finish off Ben Hur, perhaps for good. He pulls hard on his left rein, slams his team against the smaller whites and crowds them against the spina, only allowing them enough room to run. They are headed straight for the wrecked chariots, which lie in the path of Ben Hur’s chariot. Ben Hur sees them and tries to set his team, slowing them enough to try to pull out behind Messala’s chariot. But Messala prevents this by slowing his own team, holding Ben Hur in the trap. Ben Hur now realizes that he is hopelessly penned in, and does the only thing he can. He forces his team into a full run. Messala does likewise, and they race neck and neck toward the wrecks.