Saturday, May 10, 2014

To Eric Beheim

NEMO (male)

1927-40 Owned by George P. Dorsey
       1927-31  Dorsey Bros.Circus
       1933       World Bros. Circus
       1935-38  Famous Robbins
       1939       Bond Bros. Circus

1941-47 Dailey Bros. Circus
             (Shot in Chambersburg, Pa.)

"I seem to recall Smokey telling me that he blew up on the lot and started to dismantle the show." 


Ole Whitey said...

Going back to 1930, Walter L Main and Honest Bill Newton had the Main title out. In 1931 Honest Bill and Jimmy Heron had it and in 1932 Heron and Fred Buchanan had it.

Then in 1933 they took in Tom Gorman and called it World Bros (an old Buchanan title). In 1934 they split with Heron operating as World Bros and the other two as Gorman Bros.

Heron used numerous titles in the next few years including Famous Robbins and Bond Bros.

Lane Taburt said...

Norma Davenport Cristiani told me that Nemo remained a good performer right up to the end, but could only be handled by her dad and Red Frievogel, who would take Nemo directly to the Dailey Bros. train immediately after his routine in the night show. En route from the lot Nemo managed to put dents in a few customers' cars, according to Norma.