Saturday, May 31, 2014

Annie Oakley #1 (From Eric Beheim)

Of the many films dealing with the life and career of Annie Oakley, one of the best is Annie Oakley, starring Barbara Stanwyck and released by RKO in 1935. Like most Hollywood bio-pics, it blends fact with fiction in order to tell a good story.


Harry Kingston said...

RKO Radio pictures to me did the best job on this film on buffalo Bills Wild West Show and no other film ever came close to this one.
Real Indians and the tents looked like the real deal.
RKO was the Wal-Mart of the movie studios turning them out.
And to this day Radio pictures turned King Kong and Citizen Kane that will live for ever as great motion pictures.
Harry in Texas

Unknown said...

ANNIE OAKLEY was the first western directed by George Stevens who would later direct SHANE, one of the greatest westerns ever made.

Ole Whitey said...

Once twenty years ago someone called in and asked Larry King what RKO stood for. He said he had once known but had forgotten. Are Chic and I the only ones left who know the story?

This is a VERY abbreviated version but vaude came to be dominated by Martin Beck's Orpheum circuit in the west and B F Keith's "Keith Time" in the east. Read the history of the Palace Theater to get the full and complicated explanation of how Keith-Orpheum came into being. Then Joe Kennedy of the Radio Corporation of America got into the picture and merged with Keith-Orpheum to form Radio-Keith-Orpheum.

Chic Silber said...

You beat me to it Dave thanks

Although I held Al Hirshfeld in

the highest regard I only wish

they put his name on some other

theater than THE MARTIN BECK

Beck lived in sumptuous quarters

now part of the upper lobby

There are several houses that

have more generic names although

somewhat historic as well

We have only 34 full legit houses

left & some of these are recent

Some of us ol crusties wish that

the older ones had names restored

The August Wilson had been three

different names before

Chic Silber said...

How about the origin of "Odeon"

A good bar bet Dave