Saturday, May 10, 2014

1948 Sacred Scrolls!


Ryan Easley said...

Thanks for sharing ! Great bunch of pictures today. Didn't Louie Reed go to Asia once or twice to pick up a bunch of babies for Davenport ?

Buckles said...

Good Grief! What are you doing up so early?
Parley Baer told me that he once did promotion for a California show in the 1940's that had brought in Louie Reed with three elephants named "Tex", "Nellie" and "Virginia".
Wish I had payed closer attention.

Ryan Easley said...

Jumping to the next town ! Just lost a wheel on a two lane road. Sheared off the studs and destroyed the hub. Eleohant truck was right behind me. Gotta love showbiz :)

Ryan Easley said...

Dailey Bros. Mysore and Calcutta - are these the later Diano elephants that Ringling purchased ?

Buckles said...

No, Reed liked Hindi names and used these on the two Dailey elephants and later on two Hemid-Morton elephants(later Diano/RBBB).

Ryan Easley said...

Thank you. Any final record for those animals, or did they go the way of Eva and Butch ?