Wednesday, April 23, 2014

2014 Cirque Pinder #5


John Herriott said...

Rarely do we see lions in set ups. especially males. this is amazing. Must be a very accomplished trainer. What would his and bthe vexotic trainers background be? Seems that Pinder is a very old title. johnny

Vincent Manero said...


Frederic Edelstein only worked on Pinder which is owned by his father. Wolfgang Holzmair and Dickie Chipperfield were his mentors.

Sandro Montez who works the exotics is a very talented animal trainer from Germany. He worked many different kind of animals such as giraffes, rhinos, exotic cows, kangaroos, sea lions, elephants, liberty horses, zebras and more. He was in charge of the menagerie on Circus Barum from Gerd Simoneit in Germany for several years. Pinder's exotic act was broke by Sacha Houcke a few years ago and was ruined by incompetent people after Sacha left the show. In just a few weeks Sandro brought back the act at his best and have many plans for the futur. He is one of the few real Animal trainer left in the Circus business who works with such passion and talent.

GaryHill said...

Jewell News Lion act was full of sit ups..On their seats, pyramid and ground..of course Charly was his mentor so that maybe why Jewell had so many sit ups in his act?

Jay Kirwan said...

Dickie had a hand in training, there are Youtube videos etc

His influence is also apparent in the selection of behaviours.
Check out previous Dickie acts for the lay down with cats on top and the jump over on exit.