Saturday, March 01, 2014

From Harry Kingston #3

Barbara's sister Hope was on the show for a while that season, seen here on "Anna May" ready for Spec.


Chic Silber said...

I would think that holding your

legs out straight without any

support would be hard on your

back & might be a part of what

you are suffering now Barbara

I had thought about that when

you did those long track runs

in the Neptune Spec


No Chic. That position only made my back muscles & leg muscles stronger. It was simply the injury when the lights went out at "Circus World" and a prop man came running up with a black light. We were fine in the dark. I was standing on top of "Hugo" on the howdah, with "Odin" at my feet. He had seen a black light many times. "Hugo" that is. But it was stationary. It frightened him and he jerked away from the light. I fell to a sitting position with "Odin" on top of me, "Odin" was frightened too. "Odin's feet were wrapped around me, for me to protect him. He was hugging me. Both animals were used to the dark. "Odin" had on his large rhinestone collar and the public could just see that he was on top of me. They thought he was hurting me. And they were screaming. I did not fall to the ground. But my spine hit a two by three inch board on the howdah. It broke the bottom vertebrae and ruptured the disk. The Dr. only removed half of the disk. And in the half left in had a small sliver of bone in it. I continued working for ten days at "Circus World". Until I couldn't lift my feet. Then that's when the Dr. operated on me. The little sliver of bone did a lot of nerve damage the two years on tour. 1978 & 1979. I would have to lay down on the floor between shows. Part of the bottom vertebrate bone died. Part of it had to be removed in 1980. BOY ALL THAT because you ask about a muscle. Sorry Chic, but you know I am long winded. LOL.......Barbara......