Saturday, March 15, 2014

Africans #4



John Herriott said...

Looks like Larry Davis. RBBB. johnny

Richard Reynolds said...

I believe that's Sudan instead of Puqua (Pourquois). Even then Puqua had had longer tusks. Sudan's were never well developed. But, after all, Sudan was a bush elephant while Puqua was a much different forest elephant (cyclotis).

In the foreground are those midget donkeys that the show called pongurs. They were a new RBBB feature in 1936. They arrived on the lot in Pittsburgh, played on July 6-7 1936.

The oriental lady is likely from the Naitto, Yom Kam, or Uyeno troupes.

John Herriott said...

Yes they were called Ponjurs plus Ponder burros, Sicilian donkeysand a host of other njames including some others that popped up during training times.

Ole Whitey said...

Sudan was the first African I ever saw. That was on the 1943 RB show.