Saturday, February 22, 2014

Opening Night #1 (From KLSDAD)

Opening night - Ringing at Brooklyn Barclay Center.. Thurs. Feb 20, 2014 7PM


klsdad said...

Make that Ringling!!

Chic Silber said...

I saw a nicely done TV promo

while I was in NY last week

This "Ringing" title reminds me

of the very nice "Ringing Bros"

license plates Tommy Cooper had

silk screened in 3 colors way

back when & then had to screen

a sloppy correction over them

(God Bless "PBR Signs") RIP

Chic Silber said...

The best thing about this joint

is it's not Dolan controlled

(but it's not easy to get to)

Chic Silber said...

With over two & a half million

squatters Brooklyn would be the

7th largest city in the country

if it were cordoned off

My passport isn't stamped for

for entry into Brooklyn

Buckles said...

For years we played Prospect Park in Brooklyn a couple of weeks each year with Big Apple.
Nice secure lot with access to the subway a block or so away and direct access to Times Square.

Chic Silber said...

A while back (if not still) the

Beatty Show had a deal with the

City Parks Department to play

dates in at least 3 boroughs

Can't recall the details but I

brought some new equipment to

1 of those locations (Queens)

Henry Penndorf said...

Will Ringling Brothers ever return to the Garden?