Wednesday, February 19, 2014

From Victoria B.

Yes, that is our wonderful Emma, not sure why she was painted. Buckles, I too, remember her ever-blinking eyes being very light pink in color. Emma was a sweetheart alright. My dad used to say that hardly a day went by that "clownish Emma"(named after my Nona, Mama Cristiani) failed to amuse entertain and amaze him in some small way.



Chic Silber said...

That heavy cast aluminum lighting

fixture on right was by Crouse -

Hinds of Syracuse NY & was about

the sturdiest ever made to accept

1000 to 2000 watt tubular quartz

lamps that we created a variety

of reflector angle patterns for

We built many different sets of

these for a multitude of circuses

I just donated a few of the last

remaining units to Kay Rosaire