Wednesday, February 26, 2014

From Paul Gutheil

For the next Birthday Party!

Yes indeed! the opposite sax....or sex.....or something!


Buckles said...

Terrible day yesterday!
My wife had our toilets replaced claiming that when flushed they used four gallons of water whereas these new ones only one gallon.
After 55 years I find I'm married to a closet Democrat!
The old toilet seat was like a comfortable old friend!


You know folks "I love that man." He is a card. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLING." I don't know how it is possible but I love you more each year. 55 years is a long time, but it seems like yesterday. And people said it wouldn't last six months.( Me too.) I wish you many many more Happy Birthdays....Your loving Wife......Barbara.....


First my husband complained because he thought I was just going to get the toilet repaired. ( Nice subject.) Then I put in new ones and he complains. He just likes to give me a hard time. And if he didn't I think I would feel neglected......Barbara.....

Chic Silber said...

Actually it's 1 point 6 gallons

& it often takes 2 flushes to

completely evacuate the bowl

(Shoulda kept the old seats)

A helluva birthday present pal

After 55 years you've learned

to pick battles carefully

Hal Guyon said...

What more could a man ask for then new toilets for his Birthday???

Paul Gutheil said...

Dear Mrs Woodcock,
Thank you for shopping at Crapper's.

John Crapper, Pres.

Paul Gutheil said...

Hey Buckles:
What will folks think? You left off my caption. . .

Another Birthday, what to do but keep on "pluggin".

Of course wish you many many more in continued good health and happiness.


PS Don't slow down; there's a bunch of right behind you.

Larry Louree said...

Wow, new toilets for your Birthday, The empress really does love you. It's a practical gift that you'll get many years of great use out of it.

Buckles said...

Regret to inform you that my toilet seat is not securely fastened and has slight play from side to side.
When I say my prayers tonight I will ask, "What has your Faithful Servant done that he should be treated thus?"


Dear Dadzie. On being a closet Democrat......Bull. I replaced the toilets to give our water pump a break. Those things are too expensive to replace. We are on well water......But if it saves water that's alright too. And as for your seat being to loose and moving, that is a crock. You should have been setting on mine all these years.... It even pinched me at times. So my " Darling JUST SIT ON IT.".......Barbara......

Paul Gutheil said...

Barbara, you are wonderful, in every way. WW,Jr is a lucky man!

Be well, be on The Blog.
