Friday, February 21, 2014

1945 Route Book #3


Dick Flint said...

I first met Noyelles in 1972 or 73 through a lead from his friend, that great personality Red Sonnenberg. This photo captures the personality of Noyelles quite well! He was legal adjustor on Ringling when it closed in 1956 but rather than ride the train back to Sarasota, he flew back so he could get the jump on job hunting. He took the first offer he got as a milk delivery man and eventually rose to be an executive in the company before retiring. He was an avid RV and would go to many Airstream gatherings around the country including one in Cooperstown NY where I was in grad school and so I got to see him many times as well as during my once annual winter pilgrimages to Sarasota.
Dick Flint
Baltimore, MD

Buckles said...

At the Ringling Circus World park, they would often have different kinds of promotions, one was a senior citizen Square Dance competition.
While I was standing in the front of the elephant barn watching, three members of a team (two ladies and a gentleman) in costume approached and while looking at the elephants the gentleman said "Hello Buckles, I'll bet you don't remember me?"
and I said, "I'm sorry but you're right." then smiling he said "I'm Noylles Burkhart".

John Herriott said...

Yes he spent those after Cole years in Sarasota and during the years of our Circus fest.-parade here he would come to the fairgrounds and chat with me remembering me as my father Milts son. Very cordial. No one there at that time would be aware of who he was and he probably was not interested anyway, but I enjoyed those times. I know he was quite a guy. He had been married to Hilda nee Nelson as was Zackterrels wife Estrella both Nelson sisters and Paul was their only brother