Wednesday, January 01, 2014

RBBB Backyard #9


John Herriott said...

Flo White in her glory.

Roger Smith said...

Flo signed two 5 x 7s of this wardrobe for me, and I'm trying to find the relative who asked some time back for such relics.

JACKIE said...

Albert has a niece in Tampa that is putting together a book and possibly a stage play of Albert's life. I can get you in communication with each other if you both wish. Jackie LeClaire

Roger Smith said...

JACKIE: Thanks. I hope she will enjoy what I have here. The photos are from 1956, RBB's last year under canvas, which she may know. I get e-mail at Thanks again. Roger

Roger Smith said...

JACKIE: Thanks. I hope she will enjoy what I have here. The photos are from 1956, RBB's last year under canvas, which she may know. I get e-mail at Thanks again. Roger