Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Post Mortim!

Surprisingly I see I received well over 400 hits yesterday but not a one came thru.
My wife seems to think Shannon still might be able to work out a deal with Google and if not Grandson Ryan is the only one in the family without a computer.


It looks like the glitch with Google has been reported. The alternate way to post is a few more steps and the pictures are a tad smaller in view. But its better than nothing.



TheShaz said...

Ain't dead yet

Chic Silber said...

You saved me Shaz as I was about

to search for a local Methadone

program before these withdrawal

symptoms got much worse (thanks)

Chic Silber said...

My advice to Master Ryan is to

hold out just as long as you can

There's no turning back once it

gets ahold of you by the sneakers

Save yourself pal from the depths

GaryHill said...

Glad you squared the beef Shaz!!!