Monday, January 13, 2014

More of Pat's magic! #2

Here is the same set after Pat had refinished the cabinet. (The electronics were refurbished by the Antique Radio Store here in San Diego.) Many of you can remember when radio was the primary means of receiving news and entertainment in the home, and when the family radio was always the centerpiece of the living room. These old radios even sounded different from the radios of today. (If you’ve never heard a radio program coming through a 10” electro-dynamic speaker, than you’ve never really heard radio!) This picture has absolutely nothing to do with the circus other than that the original owner of this set might have used it to listen to one of the Fitch Bandwagon remote broadcasts from Madison Square Garden, featuring Merle Evans and the Ringling Band.


Eric said...

Like many collectors of old radios, I have a small, low-power AM transmitter just powerful enough to transmit audio to the various radios I have scattered around the house. Instead of listening to modern-day programs, I use my old radios to listen to recordings of old radio shows from yesteryear (including the Fitch Bandwagon.) Incidentally, one of the best places to find old radio shows on-line is

Eric said...

Special thanks to Buckles for posting these photos showcasing my wife's creativity. Tuesday January 14th is her birthday, and these postings were submitted as a surprise for her.

Chic Silber said...

Happy Birthday Pat

Paul Gutheil said...

There's sure a lot of great talent in the Beheim household!

Chic Silber said...

How did she match the missing

venier Eric unless she grafted

from a hidden spot

Chic Silber said...

Electromagnetic speakers although

very efficient usually (always)

had a slight hum due to the coil

magnet behind the cone's coil

Early "Voice Of The Theater" sets

that sat behind movie screens had

the hum that was hidden in the

overamplified sound playback

Nowadays "rare earth" magnets add

great advantages to sound quality

klsdad said...

Try the true IMAX speakers.

Chic Silber said...

The hum was a derivation of the

frequency of the alternating (AC)

current which is 60 cycle here

& 50 cycle in the UK & Europe

(at a slightly lower pitch)

Chic Silber said...

Sorry but IMAX doesn't make any

although they well may put their

name on some likely made by

"Eminence" from Eminence Kentucky

John Herriott said...

I like to think that most of shit kicking animal guys and showguys would really not be too impressed with mega cycles, transmitters, etc. I am lucky this thing actually works and do not have a clue why. I had a wind up record player that got kind of slow bat times. back to what we think we know. thanks. johnny

Chic Silber said...

Just checked with a pal who is

a leading theatrical audio expert

Although not exclusively IMAX

primarily uses J B Lansing