Saturday, January 11, 2014

Good Morning!

I have finally gotten a handle on Flicker, it's a long 12 step procedure but sets an example for the limitless effort people will endure for their Art Form.
Unfortunately this system doesn't present the pictures as well but Shannon tells me that Google is having the same problem with others and to check back from time to time to see if they have come to their senses.


Paul Gutheil said...

Assuming you are dead serious. . .
12 steps, good grief and God bless you.


Bob Cline said...

I completely understand Buckles ( and Shannon's ) Pain. I have just about completely stopped posting on my blog as it's a damn fight every time you try to put something on.

I'll just try to keep the CHS Facebook page and group going.


Chic Silber said...

When I read the number 12 Paul

I kinda thought it might be like

counting out change at a stand

After all he started out in show

business as a concessionaire

Chic Silber said...

But I certainly have respect for

this sandbox as an "Artform"