Friday, December 27, 2013

Unique Vehicles #1

My Dad wrote on the back:

"Russell Hall's One Man Barnyard Circus on the Kelly-Miller lot at Kennett, Mo. 1950.
Russell Hall seated in the door, grandson of Col. George W. Hall (Popcorn George)."


Chic Silber said...

Trailer looks like it started out

as a Serro Scotty

John Herriott said...

Russel Hall would have elephant Tina who later would become first elephant of Al G Kelly and Miller Bros. Circus. he would have other animal acts and was a circus propieter at one time.johnny

Tony Greiner said...

Blackie Martin was on the ill-fated Circus Genoa in 1979. An old fella, he told me he had been train master on Cole Brothers, and had been mustard gassed in WWI. He had a little trailer like this, that he kept a guanaco and a goat in while going down the road. It smelled like it, too.