Thursday, December 26, 2013

To Paul Gutheil #1

This was the 1995-96 show.


Chic Silber said...

Very nice artwork with very good

& simple images that tell a story

Chic Silber said...

Weren't these your last 2 years

of performing (on record)

Chic Silber said...

Was Katja Schumann on the show

in those years & still married

to Paul Binder

Buckles said...

I sent Ben and "Anna May" up to Big Apple in 1982 the first year they played Lincoln Center.
As I recall, Katja showed up at the same time with nothing more than a saddle and was immediately sent down to Sarasota where John Herriott found her a horse.

Buckles said...

Wait a minute!
While in Florida, Johnny brought Katcha by our place while making the grand tour of Sarasota and I seem to recall him mentioning that the horse loaned to her by the Knee family had died shortly after arrival at Lincoln Center.
In any event he managed to find her a horse.

Chic Silber said...

I believe Katja & Paul had 2 kids

that were named after her Mother

& Father

Chic Silber said...

Before they had the Damrosch Park

date (Lincoln Center) they played

the empty lot where MSG #3 sat

between 49th & 50th Streets & Ron

& Arlene Morris had concessions

They had a girl electrician that

I hired for our Monte Carlo Tour

Ole Whitey said...


Very interesting. I never knew anyone played that lot after MSG came down.

Didn't BA start out on that new land that was created using the dirt and rock they dug up when they built the World Trade Center?

Larry Sunbrock once put a tent circus on the parking lot behind the Roxy facing 51st Street. This was during the war and lost money.

Buckles said...

In 1978 my wife and I were strolling up 8th Avenue with Bobby Johnson and when we came to the old Garden site we found it occupied with this small show that had something like a 50' top.
Bobby explained that it was called the Big Apple Circus and they taught kids how to juggle and tumble Etc.
A few years later when we were offered a job by Paul Binder I told him I didn't think we had anything small enough to fit in his tent and he laughed and explained they now had a much bigger tent and they did.

Chic Silber said...

I think I saw them there in 79 &

they must have had at least an 80

to 90 ft round by then

klsdad said...

Ole Whitey/Buckles
I believe I saw the Vargas show play on that lot. Trying to verify.
As I remember it was a good sized tent...3 rings.

Mike Naughton said...

Vargas played at 101st Street in Harlem. The neighborhood was bad and the show tore down early and told the gangs that the show was going to shoot a movie and will be back.

Of course, the show never returned. It was real scary as it was the peak of the crime and murder era in NYC.

This was in the late 70s.

I saw Geo Matthews' Great London Circus open air on the west side of NYC. Not certain of the year, early 70s I think.

Chic Silber said...

I think it was somewhere in the

80s when I was working at the

Kennedy Center in DC that the

Gaonas were on Big Apple & they

invited me out to rural Virginia

where they were playing in a much

larger tent than before & in turn

Cella Tito Mondo & Eddie came to

see my show at the KC

Buckles said...

We showed out at Wolf Trap a few times.