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The ubiquitous majorette boots
Chic. You are too fancy for me. What does that big word mean.
The only reason I know that word John is because it was used in a TV jingle ad for some margarine when I was a kid & when I asked what it meant I was sent to the dictionary to look it up Ubiquitos being everywhere at the same time. constantly encountered
Until Barbara made some mention about majorette boots I hadn't noticed just how many of the act women wore them as traditional costume footwear
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The ubiquitous majorette boots
Chic. You are too fancy for me. What does that big word mean.
The only reason I know that word
John is because it was used in a
TV jingle ad for some margarine
when I was a kid & when I asked
what it meant I was sent to the
dictionary to look it up
Ubiquitos being everywhere at the
same time. constantly encountered
Until Barbara made some mention
about majorette boots I hadn't
noticed just how many of the act
women wore them as traditional
costume footwear
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