Thursday, December 05, 2013

Primates! #3


John Herriott said...

Sharon Vidbel.

Chic Silber said...

Is she the twins' (Susie & Jenny)

mother or grandmother

John Herriott said...

She is their mother. johnny

Mike Naughton said...

This is Sharon, Al and Joyce's daughter.
Sharon's girls are: Jenny, Suzy, Sadie and Benna.

Does anyone remember when the elephant wandered off from the Vidbel Farm in upstate New York many moons ago? She was missing for days, but I don't have the details. I know it made national headlines.

Was this one of the Hamid Circus elephants? Details please.

Many moons ago.

Paul Gutheil said...

Thank you John. My God the eye doctor just told me I was good for another year, but without your comment I never would have recognized Sharon.

Mike, yes, I have vague recollections of a perambulating pachyderm up in Windham.

Great family.