1967 with Circus Williams in Germany. Rare color picture. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=238902999602258&set=pb.218448654981026.-2207520000.1386261576.&type=3&theater
Now this is the way to start off a series with the best in the business Rudi and Sue. Always a center ring act and the chimps were there family and tea time with Rudi the chimps liked it. No fingers missing on the Lenz's hands and there chimps got the best care. True circus stars. Harry in Texas
Two of the nicest people you could ever want to meet. When Diane and I first met them years ago we almost immediately felt as though we had known them for years. There are a few other folks out there like that.
Sue, is Rudi still making those gorgeous clocks?
It's been too many years. With every good wish, especially for Rudi right now, Paul
Pleased to say that this time Rudi doesn't have any kidney pain, only back ache, most unusual as I remember him rolling on the floor in pain with the previous stones. Good job as Chic he doesn't drink, so your suggestion wouldn't have helped.
Very likely unnecessary to give
most of us Sue & Rudi Lenz
Photo taken in Paris while we were performing with Bouglione's Winter Circus at the Cirque D'Hiver Christmas 1964/65
(Sally at the bottom of steps)
Buckles: Nice selection of pictures. I notice you left out your favorite- Mickey of Mickie and Minnie fame.
1967 with Circus Williams in Germany. Rare color picture. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=238902999602258&set=pb.218448654981026.-2207520000.1386261576.&type=3&theater
Now this is the way to start off a series with the best in the business Rudi and Sue.
Always a center ring act and the chimps were there family and tea time with Rudi the chimps liked it.
No fingers missing on the Lenz's hands and there chimps got the best care.
True circus stars.
Harry in Texas
Hi Sue hope that Rudi is fully
recovered from that last stone
Hi Chic;
Rudi enjoyed the last kidney stone so much he decided to keep half of it.......Same operation scheduled for next Tuesday!
I'm so sorry to hear that Sue
I know that pain killers don't
offer much help so maybe Rudi
should stay boozed up til then
About 3 gallons of single malt
scotch might just do it
Two of the nicest people you could ever want to meet. When Diane and I first met them years ago we almost immediately felt as though we had known them for years. There are a few other folks out there like that.
Sue, is Rudi still making those gorgeous clocks?
It's been too many years. With every good wish, especially for Rudi right now, Paul
Another note to Chic:
Pleased to say that this time Rudi doesn't have any kidney pain, only back ache, most unusual as I remember him rolling on the floor in pain with the previous stones. Good job as Chic he doesn't drink, so your suggestion wouldn't have helped.
Hopefully Sue you knew I was only
kidding as when I had my stone
I couldn't drink anything without
a Vesuvius like event
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