When Sid Kellner bought the Mills show tent, equipment, seat wagons, etc. this tent was included, a 120 with three 40's.
When we joined, the show had a half grown elephant named "Ellie" and three smaller ones "Lovie", "Sue" and "Jackie".
"Ellie" was broke for harness so she and the fork lift would go up with the quarter poles, it would take time but fortunately we played mostly on parking lots (ala Vargas) and the surfaces were hard. I might add that my wife refused to have "Anna May" (being artistic) involved in such fol de rol.
So the following winter I harnessed up two of the punks and I was astonished how much power they could generate and they could whip around on a dime, it was fun. They even pulled up the aluminum center poles with little effort.
Some years later in October of 1976 Kenneth contacted me at Circus World saying he had gotten a call from Kellner offering to sell these three and I recommended them highly.
So after a deal was made I sent Gary Jacobson to the show to bring them back and upon arrival immediately changed their names to "Louie", "Sid" and "Juno".
As far as I know they are still under Ringling ownership, I stopped keeping records in 1996.
SID and LOUIE are gone now. JUNO is out at the El Paso Zoo.
If I'm not mistaken this picture was taken by Bob McDougal, a regular visitor on the James Bros. lot and a very nice guy.
Ten years later when we brought the Circus World elephants to the Blue Show I overheard him refer to me as "the new Johnny Come Lately".
This confirmed what I had often heard, that the Ringling Show brings out the worst in everybody.
I saw Ellie as young elephant with Sid at the Cow Palace in 1964. He had taken her to the Republican Convention there.
Wasn't she later electrocuted with Roller Bros in Louisiana?
Yes she was.
Sid told me who had trained her originally but I can't for the life of me remember.
Maybe Wally Ross.
Hi Buckles,
My mother, known as a toddler in the circus world as "Patsy Bea," was the granddaughter of Ernest Harrington, owner of Harrington's Nickle Plate, not to be confused with Harris' Nickle Plate. (1931-1933)
Joseph Bradbury wrote an article about this circus in BANDWAGON (2001). My mother was the last survivor of that depression-era circus. Throughout her life she talked fondly of an elephant named "Babe," and ended her stories by asking, "I wonder what ever happened to Babe?" (I've done enough research to know that doesn't narrow it down much, and on top of so many elephants really named Babe, Babe could've been a nickname, pet name, used by my mother's family when referring to all elephants).
I'm on a mission to find my mother's elephant. It's sort of a tribute to Babe and to my mother. I think I've narrowed it down to four contenders for this particular elephant--although even the sort of lists I'm making will make you nuts. I've seen discussions of you and Cline--whew!!
Bradbury's article says, "Although there is a photo dated 1933 which someone wrote on it, "delivering two Christy elephants to Harrington's but only one can be clearly seen. In all probability the show leased only one from Christy, Daisy, as the Woodcock [your father] files so state. The LaMont elephant, Freida, which was on Harrington's show in 1932 was now on the Freckles Gang Comedy Circus." Joseph Bradbury, (p. 21 BANDWAGON, July-August, 2001).
I have some pics of the elephants from our family history, and I wondered if you looked at the elephants if you might be able to see if one of them is a particular "Babe," perhaps borrowed from Christys, as a picture I came across of Christy elephants lists "Caradini Babe" as the first elephant Christy purchased from Caradini Vaudeville (1920). Sparks Babe is another contender, as are Gentry Babe (performed w/Shirley) and Gentry Babe, who started with Gentry's dog and pony show. Information about the four Babes I got from your website. I can email you the link, as I'm sure you read so much it gets muddled (drives us crazy!).
Since I can't attach a photo here, I'm hoping you might send me an email (so I'll have an address to send the pictures to)and you might be willing to discuss this with me. I have several pics of Harrington, but I thought you might be able to recognize some of the elephants, in the way a pet owner knows his or her own pet among a herd that look all the same to everyone else. I would appreciate it dearly. You may use the photos I send to you. I do not have the one Bradbury refers to in his essay but I have others.
Kind regards,
Laurie Champion
Daisy was called "Baby Daisy" in her youth so maybe she's the one your grandmother recalled.
She was a Gollmar Bros elephant who went to James Patterson in 1917 and was owned by him through his various titles until sold to George Christy in about 1925.
Christy leased her to several shows including Harrington's in 1933 and he finally sold her to Russell Bros in 1941.
She went to Kelly-Miller in 1946 where Buckles knew her. Last info I have is that she went to Circo Union in Mexico in 1956.
Thank you, ole whitey for your answer. Looking for Babe can be tough. Kindest regards,
Laurie Champion
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