Wednesday, December 04, 2013

1954 RBBB Elephants #3

I have shown this picture on the blog several times but might explain that during these years we played a lot of fairs for Barnes & Carruthers and good friend Otto Scheiman who lived in South Bend, found an ideal place for us to lay off between dates. An enclosed area at an Automobile Dealership where the passerbys would see the elephants and pull in to check them out.
As luck would have it, there was a South Shore Line Railroad Station within walking distance and after an hours ride the first Station in Chicago was Soldier Field.
In this instance I stayed home to take care of the shop while my folks visited the show.


Ole Whitey said...

Why hasn't anybody mentioned Tom Parkinson? He was at the Chicago office of Billboard writing show news. Later he went to manage the arena at the University. Mary Jane and I stopped to see him one time and his office number was 101.