Wednesday, December 04, 2013

1953 RBBB Elephants #3

We were playing the fair at LaCrosse, Wis. with our elephants when the Ringling Show day and dated us. I went down to the crossing and watched them unload, then to the lot where I watched the set up and caught the side show before returning to the fairgrounds.
When I got back I was surprised to see Arky and Noyeles Burkhardt talking to my father who later told me that the baby elephant act had fallen apart completely and they asked if they could make a deal for him to do some retraining. He said he explained to them that he was part owner of the Miller-Woodcock elephant act and couldn't consider anything else.


Buckles said...

While cruising around the lot I met Micky Freeman whom I had't seen since the Cole Show and during our conversation I asked about Mr. Misten and the immediately became defensive explaining how many different languages he could speak etc.