Friday, October 25, 2013

Zaxccini Cannon (From Billie Schuler)

"Zacchini sisters Duina and Egle perform the human cannonball together, 1949."

This is Tom Packs Circus, 1949. When they ascended the canon with the band playing Tannhauser's Pilgrims Chorus it was really something!
So was that summer. We closed in Montreal, and Mr. Packs threw his usual big party.


Ole Whitey said...

This is the same double you showed a few weeks ago with Walter and Ruth Patterson. Edmondo's 1947 SuperXX. It was used as a double for a long time.

Hugo had the first double (rebuilt from a single) but for years used it as a single.

Bruno also built a double in 1947. Those were the only three Zacchini double cannons.

Jimmy Cole said...

Billie, That is a great photo! Can you possibly send it to me in full size resolution?
