Friday, October 18, 2013

From Gary Hill

Modern version of the Ramp of Death..


Chic Silber said...

Might this be a production device

built by the local ER department of

some local hospital to lure young

eager bikerobats (with insurance)

Wade G. Burck said...

Buckles, it's not that modern. I believe this is the ramp used on the 1977 Texas Dates, that Bob Atterberry sent Corpse down in the Razzini Rocket Car. Corpse earned his name after numerous upside down landings because he was too tall for the roll bar's and rode with his head two foot on the outside. He eventually learned to scrunch down admirably, and went on to his 15 minutes by head lining that years addition.

Wade Burck

GaryHill said...

Our Ramp of Death from Circus World was an 8 inch wide piece of alum and into the shit truck...I had to take his picture, because I don't think I would have ever lost my wheelbarrow on this one..too many times on the CW one..