Saturday, October 19, 2013

From Frank Murray

Last weekend at the Renn Faire and we are keen on not paying for another dumpster hence el rampo del morte.


Chic Silber said...

Hope you charged admission for this

"Thrill Of A Lifetime" ride for the


John Herriott said...

Opening day meeting on Circus Vargas when Cliff held forth on dissertation on how when going to the dumpster that you put everything to the very front of the dumpster. Those not doing so would face a big fine or expulsion.

John Herriott said...

Frank, I assume the 2 by was part of equipment that goes from town to town. Who owns the furniture ramp from "rent a truck"?

John Herriott said...

One day on Hanneford, Richie [Mr. Sylvia Zerbini] showed up with one of those two wheel wheelbarrows. I ribbed him no end and referred to it as a "ulligan Wheelbarrow" and sure enough he had to fork the nhorseshit in.

Mike Naughton said...

This is a legit question.

How was manure and general trash dealt with on the big railroad shows with all those animals?

Beside manure, there is the office paper, debris from dressing rooms, pop corn and concession paper, et cetera.

These days on Yankee Doodle Circus we are required to separate the trash for recycling. Thankfully this is only in some communities.

I am sure trash disposal wasn't such a headache years ago.
