Saturday, September 07, 2013

Martin & Osa Johnson #19

As the rhino charges, Osa only has time for a single shot . . . 


Eric said...

Had Osa missed, there would have been no re-takes!

Anonymous said...

I remember years ago that the old Life Magazine on its back page Miscellany had a photo of a rhino, not sure which species, that had charged a '55 Chevy head on and drove the engine block into the front seat. Unfortunately in so doing the rhino broke its neck.


Roger Smith said...

We read the rhino's eyesight is so poor, that if you side-step his charge, he'll miss you and not know for sure where you went. Question for me is, how mad will he be when he figures it out? When I was at Lion Country in Grand Prairie, Texas, we had a fine herd of rhinos. It was quite a sight to see them move that much weight, on such a low center of gravity, gliding gracefully across their allotted section at amazing speed.

GaryHill said...

Roger I didn't know you were at the park in Grand Prairie? What years? I was across town at World of Animals in Mesquite..The 6 rhinos we had there went to Great Adventure and we added 10 more ..had two babies by the second year..We conditioned the rhinos to go into stalls in the barn that they shared with my 28 elephants too...big barn with a lot of crap to shovel everyday for sure..:)