Thursday, September 12, 2013

"Hugo" #5

Headed for the barn, the guy at right was the keeper from the zoo and when I first observed the construction helmet I thought, "He must know something!" and he did.
"Hugo" was pretty fresh at first.


Cindy Potter said...

I began working on the elephant crew shortly after Hugo arrived...he was INDEED "fresh." I steered clear of him (novice/first of may/greenhorn that I was!). One time Rusty (I believe he was Scott's cousin) was walking down the picket line in the front barn. I looked out the back door for some reason and turned back Rusty. I though for a split second ...that was strange, until I saw Rusty peek over the front wall of the barn from the ground. Hugo had slapped him just so and flipped Rusty over that front wall!
Cindy Potter

GaryHill said...

He was pretty tuff in Texas but he must of liked me, knocked a guy right next to me about 20ft and never ever gave me the HairyEyeball.:) Just Lucky I guess?