When we pulled into Mack's place to pick up "Louie" I found that Jim "Kokomo" Coughlin was laying off there with his elephant "Jim" and his helper seated at left whose name I can't remember for the life of me. Dave ____?.....Dr. Zala! Where are you when I need you?
Anyway, he pulled me over to one side and said, "Buckles, yesterday when Morgan was unloading that little elephant, he got away and he, Mack, Kokomo and me chased him around the place for twenty minutes before we could get him in the barn. Afterward they were all laughing and saying you were in for a big surprise."
Over the years I have thought, "What an odd thing to say, since I had thought things out well in advance, made him a collar chain and "Anna May" yanked his little butt up into the truck and we were back on the road in less than an hour."
Kokomo's Jim became Reed # "1" from Rex Williams heard I do believe, AKA Baby Sabu
Wasn't Reed the elephant with the
stiff leg that looked like he was
mimicking Rex when they ran
I didn't know there was more than
1 of Rex's named Reed
Yes There was Reed 1&2 I was around both when they were punks I can not remember Reed #2 first name I remember Barbara Moore, Wife of Sid Moore working that punk in the early 70's for Paul Kelly in a display.
Thinking back I believe Smokey broke The punk named Jim for Koke I have his Tub, plank, and spindle in the What the F is that in the corner of our barn artifacts.
Funny thing Jimmy but that's the
same title for about half the stuff
in my warehouse
Amazing how that stuff collects
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