Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Spec Costume #1

My wife, grandson Pat and I spent a terrific afternoon yesterday at the Ringling Museum, accompanied by John Herriott, Vincent Manero and Chic Silber.
Pat seen here admiring Don Foote's creations made especially for Barbara and "Anna May".
Debbie Walk was most gracious in taking time out to show us many of the new additions.
Afterward we took a stroll around the Walk of Fame out on Longboat Kay and paid tribute to the many artists inducted since we last visited.
Then the tour concluded at Chic's office and shop in downtown Sarasota who's incredible stockpile of circus and theatrical equipment and memorabilia warrants a day in itself.
Great Day!


John Herriott said...

I was pleased to accompany Vincent on his tour of the Ringling Museum for the first time and he was quite overwhelmed plus being on a one day trip to our city did not leave time to have a more complete visit to be sure. For me it was so enjoyable to meet and talk with a person who is so knowledgable of the European circuses and their animal trainers of which he is so aware. He and I both traded questions and info from both sides of the pond. He is quite knowledgable concerning trainers here and not just Ringling that was refreshing and was ver complimentary about his visit to KM. I had so many questions about the trainers in Europe and could have spent a whole evning with him to which he agreed as well. Maybe the next6 time. So it sure brightened my day and am sure Buckles would agree. The Ringling museum is fabulous and I finally saw the nice display of costumes by dON fOOTE OF Mary Ruth and yours truly. Thanks Debbie and Vincent for a great day here in Paradise [Sarasota, no place like it].

John Herriott said...

Too bad they put the blanket on an African elephant. johnny

Chic Silber said...

Always an honor to be included in

such an entourage & as previously

stated "A good time was had by all"

The museum complex is extensive but

my only disappointment was the loss

of the magnificent "Ringling Show

backyard at night" walkthrough that

gave you the feeling of how it was

That great lifesize diorama has

been reduced to just a few of the

elements in 2 opposite corners

"The Ringling" as the entire area

complex of buildings & grounds is

newly named is truly a treasure

that helps keep our beautiful city

considered "Home Of The Circus"

Dolly & Pedro's "Circus Sarasota"

is currently presenting a showcase

circus production in the original

& historical "Asolo Theater" on the

grounds in it's own new building

Anonymous said...

Oh to have been a part of that auspicious group.

I personally feel they didn't get the elephants ears right, especially considering it was Anna May.

Best to all you mighty fine folks,


Chic Silber said...

Off to the right of this display

just happens to have 2 manequins

dressed in Mary Ruth's & Johnny's

wardrobe from a different year

It was really something to be in

the presence of folks that wore

the costumes we were looking at

None of the tourists wandering the

area had any idea we were there

Chic Silber said...

I find it amazing that the spec

these elements were from occurred

about twenty years before Patrick

was born (how the time flew by)

Dick Flint said...

I second Paul's wish!! And Vincent certainly deserved to be in such company.
Dick Flint