Monday, June 10, 2013

More Beatty #6


Ole Whitey said...

I think that's the little Basenjie he had that disappeared off the lot one day. Nice little dog and Mr Beatty was very fond of it.

Chic Silber said...

Strange looking trailer that was

clearly before the Airstreams

Larry Louree said...

Was the dog's name Razmo?

Ole Whitey said...

Chic: I believe the Airstreams and Cadillacs started in 1960. I think this pic was 1959 when Beatty was driving a 1959 Chevy station wagon.

Larry: are you trying to Razz-me?

Chic Silber said...

Didn't the Caddies get arranged

through Johnny Canole in Altoona

Chic Silber said...

I seem to recall the Airstreams

were 24s & 28s longest at the time

Frank Orman had a 24 & both Beatty

& McClosky had 28s

Roger Smith said...

Miss Edna also rated an Airstream. It was among the smaller models, and Jane Beatty called it, "Just darling."

Roger Smith said...

On the question of Johnny Canole, AMUSEMENT BUSINESS, the red-haired step-child of the late BILLBOARD, ran a photo of Johnny and family with Clyde Beatty about this time. Let me try to find it.

Chic Silber said...

Edna Antes also had a 24' Airstream

Each model had a different name