Thursday, June 27, 2013
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Welcome to Buckles Blog. This site is for the discussion of Circus History all over the world.
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6/27/2013 10:46:00 AM
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Hooboy that's some sultry look by
this young vamp (over the shoulder)
She's growing up faster than a
speeding bullet (lookout world)
Happy Birthday Miss Kathleen
There are several noise canceling
headphones made for air travel
Might be just the ticket pal
You could even use an MP3 player
with them to provide comfort audio
I guess this is like some sort of
payback to you Barbara for what
you must have been like as a youth
As they say "paybacks are hell"
Let me guess who plays the chump
That was just one of her model poses, she did several..... all just as vampy.... I only sent Buckles one.....yes she is quite the little card now days.....she is growing up too fast for me......Really,.... I was quite the... good girl.....And if you believe that?????......Barbara.....
we saw the "Superman" movie... And it was nice and loud..... I had wanted to see "Iron Man"..... But everyone had seen that.....We took Katie to Best Buy to buy her main birthday present.....It is the children's version of the I-Pad......It is a "Nabi" 2....She loves it.....Barbara....
There was a little girl that had a
little curl & when she was bad she
was terrific
Be careful, from what chick says, the next movie(s) Kathleen may want to see would be Mae West's...
"...but when I'm bad, I'm terrific.
Always loved Mae, treasure my copy of "The wit and Wisdom of Mae West"
I believe Buckles has posted the photo I have of Mae and Billy Barton on the Pollack Show in the '70's.
"Is that a gun in your pocket...?
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