Thursday, June 06, 2013

Elephant Men #12

Blog a bit early this morning since I was rudely awakened by a house full of family members attempting to avoid the tornado passing overhead.



Hey Buckles tell the truth my little DOG woke you up. "RASCAL" woke you I think he might have thought he was saving your life! After all there were tornado warnings going off all over the house..... With the cell phones and the T.V. warnings going off.....And family here in the middle of the night.... I think he is a " HERO " LOL....Barbara......

Ole Whitey said...

BW: You opened a can of worms with your dawg comments.

Eric said...

Wearing a beard, you look not unlike "the Cobra," from our recent JUNGLE JIM serial postings.

Chic Silber said...

From our local news here the only

damage from that twister up yonder

was an old shed roof blown away

Do you have other information