Monday, June 03, 2013

DeMille In Action! #4

“There’s no place like home, Nero.”


Roger Smith said...

A nice shot of Frank Philips, one of the most well-liked trainers ever to grace the business, as he cues Pascha, as "Nero", back home.
Philips broke in Dick McGraw, and was instrumental, along with Chubby Guilfoyle, in breaking in Pat Anthony. In Bill Johnston's article on Mabel Stark, in the March-April 1989 WHITE TOPS, Philips is shown assisting Mabel in breaking a jumping tiger.

FRANCIS PHILIP WHOLEBEN, later Frank Lee Philips, born in 1906 in Clarendon, PA., died January 2, 1963, in Thousand Oaks, California, of cancer. He was 58. His mother was killed in the 1918 Hagenbeck-Wallace train wreck, near Hammond, IN. He was at Goebel's Compound from 1949-1958, and was last training at Pacific Ocean Park. His widow, Siva, was Mabel Stark's confidant and housekeeper to the end.