Monday, June 03, 2013

DeMille In Action! #14

With a film as complex and full of detail as TGSOE, it is often necessary view each scene frame by frame in order to see exactly who and what is being shown. It wasn’t until I looked closer at this particular frame that I realized that the man at the left, (positioned so as not to block Betty Hutton) is character actor John Merton who appeared in hundreds of films over the years, including many, many serials and B-Westerns.


Eric said...

When casting a picture, DeMille would always try to find small parts for the actors who had worked for him over years, going back to the silent film days. Since most of the small roles in TGSOE were filled by actual circus performers, DeMille was only able to find work for his old friends in those scenes filmed in Hollywood, such as the train wreck sequence.

Buckles said...

Julia Faye (the wardrobe mistress) was said to have been cast in almost every DeMille movie dating back to his early silents.