Wednesday, June 05, 2013

2009 Calendar #101

Flying trapeze star Antoinette Concello hangs from the Roman Rings while holding Grace Genders, 1930s.


Chic Silber said...

The Bonny Belles of Bloomington

John Herriott said...

Both were exceptional flyers and Antoinette was married to Art Concello and Gracie to Tuffy Genders. Gracies sisbter was Emmet Kelly's first wife and mother of Emmet Jr. and Pat. Later she was married to "clown cop" Joe Lewis.johnny

Roger Smith said...

Gracie and Eva were Moores.The other sisters were Bertha, Gladys and Mitzie. The brothers were Robert and Dinky. Eva and Mitzie were doing double trap, when Emmett met Eva on John Robinson, in '23. All this off the top of my head, after re-reading this part of Kelly's book. As Johnny notes, Eva later married Loe Lewis, not to be confused with the 1950s insult-comic, Joe E. Lewis.

John Herriott said...

Mitzie was marriede to the old time "bug man". Can't think of his name. Murray Fein" I believe. johnny