Monday, May 27, 2013

James Patterson Circus #6


JACKIE said...

So that the Hippo that was in the GSOE film. That is nice to know. Always interested in anything related to the film. Thanks.

Richard Reynolds said...

Lotus came to America for Gollmar Bros in 1903. She then went to Patterson for 1917. He sold Lotus to Al G. Barnes in September 1919. She was a fixture there for 20 years.

The hippo hitch carriage was developed by Barnes as best I recall. So I believe that this is a Barnes photo. Her last public appearance was in the GSOE film. She died in late 1954 in Sarasota.

Anonymous said...

Hello Richard,

I believe it to a photo taken during her tenure at Banrnes as well. The photo was given to me by the Patterson grandchildren as part of their collection. James Patterson Jr. worked for Barnes (as well as Hagenbeck-Wallace) after his father lost his show and I believe that is when this photo became a part of what they passed to me.
