Thursday, May 30, 2013

From Roger Smith

This faded newspaper photo from my boyhood albums coincides with
the one of Johnny and his mixed exotics, on Gil Gray, in the '50s.
This is when I first met the Herriotts. Gil Gray played Katy Ballpark, at
3rd and Webster, alongside the MKT tracks, in Waco, Texas. Date-
line reads September 11, 1957.


John Herriott said...

My verybeautiful wife and mother with one of the Herriott Sisters who are now making their mark in the world of SHOBIZ. tHANKS rOGER

Chic Silber said...

What a tremendous heritage they

have behind them & to follow

Roger Smith said...

You're welcome, Johnny. Your family has always been blessed with beautiful ladies, immensely talent men and women, and thankfully, the promise of circus history forever in the making.

Paul Ingrassia said...

Its great to see Mary Ruth in her Original condition. Knew her then and she was lots of fun in addition to being great mom and wife and performer. Seeing her smile in this pic makes my day...Paul