I Hope all out there can bear with proud grandparents!!!!!!! Patrick has won some more awards....... Four this time......He is a sophomore, he is fifteen going on forty.....LOL . He is very serious. Award #1 Best film editing, # 2 Best sound .....#3 Best original score......#4 Best picture...... These are all separate projects he has done. I think I have listed everything correctly, Patrick attends the Spoto Film Academy. They are going to have another recital in a couple of weeks, he will be playing the piano again................. Of course I know that all will be waiting with baited breath...... to see how he does on this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ben took piano for five years, and he wrote music also, he played more than one instrument. I guess this brings BEN a little closer to me. I know that Pat and BEN would have enjoyed this together!!!! I like to think so. It is a shame that I wasn't active on Buckles Blog, when our grand daughters Stormy & Skye were in school. They had excellent grades. Sky has a lovely singing voice. Stormy learned to fly. But fell short of getting her pilots license. She joined the service. Ben was very proud of both of them. Stormy now has a boy and a girl. Sky has a girl... I sure have been long winded!!!!!!! I start out to write a short note, and end up writing a book............ Sorry about that folks....... What are you going to do with a proud grandparent!!!!!!!!!!! ............Barbara
Hi Barbara,
Thanks so much for your input on this blog as that is what makes it even better.
You are proud grandparents and we are glad to hear all about it.
Sounds like he is very talented and is going places.
Maybe one day we will see his name on the big screen.
Just like when we see an old movie and it's a Warner Bros film comes on with music by Max Steiner we are going to see something real special.
We always enjoy your input on the blog as you are a true star of the circus.
What you got to worry down the road is that killer smile of his with all the girls out there.
Brad Pitt move over.
Lets hear more.
Harry in Texas
You certainly have something to be real proud of with these boys accomplishing all they have and will do in the future. It certainly is not the norm for a family today. It in encourageing to be able to think about youth in the way those boys are going. Also a great pride to the heritage of a circus family.
What a pleasure to hear such pride
for such accomplishments from your
kinfolk & I'm sure you are also very
grateful in this day & age of such
horror stories that are more common
Ben's spirit does live on in all of
these kids which is wonderful
Many (if not all) of us are pleased
that you participate in this sandbox
Thanks & best always
I guess they'll have to buy another
shelf (or 4) for all that hardware
I think that Gramzie is right that Patrick has wonderful talent in music. I love his work. I know he has wonderful talent in other areas of film making also. Kathleen woodcock. Katie wanted to add some of her own words, so I let her use my space to do it. Thanks to all for your kind comments......Barbara
OK so now I'm wondering what Missy
Kate calls your dear husband
I think "Grampy's Blog" has quite
a novel ring to it (don't you think)
I'm in the Atlanta airport about
to board my flight home (hooray)
I am so glad you have Finally had some imput to the Capts Blog Lady Barbara...look forward to more comments from your memories..:)
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