Sunday, May 26, 2013

Clyde Beatty #9


John Herriott said...

Always fun o read in between the lines. I note the DeWayne troupe consisted of Fay Alexander, Donnie Johnson, Bobby Yerkes, Ba Workmeister, Cliff Mosely, Russ Saunders and the wonderful character Ted DeWayne. I note A.W. Kennard was husband of Dorothy Herbert.[Not a favorite person] We see the nice and capable Milonga Esclante Cline. And old friend Johnny as Eq-director following in footsteps of Jack Joyce. Lots of people doubling and even tripling. Wonderful show. I saw it that year.I can still smell the circus as it was. Thanks Bukles. Its great johnny

Chic Silber said...

How old could Bobby Yerkes have been

in 1949 maybe in his late teens