Thursday, April 18, 2013

To Ryan Easley #3


Ryan Easley said...

Thank you ! Can you tell me where Kelly's Suki and Kathy came from ? My dad worked with both of them at the Springfield, Mo. zoo. Suki he bought from Rex and Kathy ( later Tuffy ) was taken on breeding loan from Don Meyer.

Larry Louree said...

Was the blue unit still under Axel's leadership this year?

Buckles said...

Axel died in 1993.

Roger Smith said...

SHANNON: Why are words like "dad", "loan", and "leadership" showing up in blue and double-underlined? This has been happening the last few days, at least on my screen, with words just as common. What gives?

Chic Silber said...

Sorry Roger but you've been hacked

Doesn't look like that here