Tuesday, April 16, 2013

From Dave Price

Not to be outdone!


Anonymous said...

Probably the number one inspiration for our troops in WWII and we know who her husband was, don't we!?!

Thanks Dave,


Ole Whitey said...

Yes, her husband was Walter "Dirty Neck" Clark's half-brother (they had the same mother).

Once Walter was billing a town where Harry was playing in a high-class night club.

Shocking as it may seem, Walter was denied entrance in his paste-splattered work clothes.

However I might mention that Walter was probably the last really great circus billposter, whereas Harry didn't know a one-sheet from a postage stamp.

Roger Smith said...

Comparing the two poses, I for one can see why Betty Grable was the movie star.

Roger Smith said...

PS: If anyone comes back this far--the reason Betty is posed like this was later revealed to be that she was pregnant and beginning to show. So the shot was posed at this angle, and no GI was ever heard to complain about it.