Sunday, March 10, 2013

From Tim Tegge #1

A lot of familiar faces cross in front of the camera lens throughout these films--folks like the Cristianis, Hubert Castle, Harry Thomas, Otto Griebling, Ernestine Clarke, Jean Allen, Paul Nelson, Freddie Freeman, and so on. And the professionally shot performance footage, which includes priceless clips of Con Colleano, the Hannefords, Clyde Beatty, Dorothy Herbert, etc. (too many to even try to mention), is a real treat!

I hope to have this up on my website ( by the weekend, but it is ready to ship now, for those eagerly awaiting the official arrival of spring (which, in Baraboo these days, still looks to be a ways off!). Anyone who wants to grab a copy now can email me at
or contact me via P.O. Box 661, Baraboo, WI 53913. It's $19.95, postage paid.